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Workout Bench

Discover the exercises available with the Weight Bench!

Nordic Hamstring Curls

Muscles exercised
Buttocks & Hamstrings.

1. Place your feet under the support to hold them firmly and start the movement vertically.

2. On the descent, control the movement. Your glutes, hamstrings and abdominals should be well sheathed.

3. Stop as close to the ground as possible, then start again, contracting the same muscle groups as for the descent.

4. This exercise is advanced! At the start, simply slow down the descent as much as possible before catching yourself on your hands on the floor in a push-up position, then pushing yourself back with your hands to start again in the other direction.

Tips: You can also help yourself with an elastic band.

Leg lifts & Dragon Flag

Muscles exercised
Abs & Buttocks.

1. Lie on the floor, straighten your legs and place your hands as shown in the photo to provide a support point.

2. The aim is to pull your whole body upwards and keep it straight and sheathed. Contract your abdominal muscles to lift your legs.

3. Slowly return to the starting position.

4. This exercise is advanced
! Of course, for an easy version, you can simply start by raising your legs and keeping your buttocks on the ground.

Tips: For maximum sensation, don't place your legs on the floor during the movement; they should skim the floor without touching it.
You can also spread or bend your legs to make the exercise easier

kettlebell hip trust

Hip Thrust

Muscles exercised
Buttocks & Hamstrings.

1. Place your shoulder blades on a bench or solid support, feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Position the kettlebell at hip level for best possible tension.

Note: it is also possible to attach elastic bands directly to the bench to weight down this exercise.

3. Push your pelvis upwards until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

4. Contract the buttocks for 1 second, then release and control the descent.

Tips: Remember to also push with your heels when climbing.

Pistol Squat Assisted

Muscles exercised
Buttocks & Quadriceps.

1. Hold on to one leg and lower until you touch the surface of the bench.

2. On the way down, position your other leg and arms as shown in the picture to achieve the best possible balance.

3. Pull yourself up, contracting your glutes and quadriceps.

4. Gradually adjust the bench lower and lower until you no longer need it for the entire exercise.

Weighted Squat

Muscles exercised
Buttocks, Quadriceps & Hamstrings.

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, facing slightly outwards.

2. Lower your buttocks until they are below your knees, keeping your back straight.

3. As you climb, contract the muscles you're using for best results.

4. Adjust the difficulty with one or more elastic bands of increasing strength.


Muscles exercised

1. Lying down, place your arms at chest level.

2. Roll up your back while contracting your abdominal muscles as you push.

3. Control the descent, then be explosive on the ascent.

Tips: The head and neck should remain in their natural position during ascent, and no pressure should be exerted on them.

Crunch Variation

Same exercise as the previous one, but you can opt for a slight variation by placing your feet under the support to steady yourself.

It's also possible to twist the pelvis on each side with each repetition, reaching for the opposite knee with the elbow to work the oblique muscles too.

kettlebell bulgarian slots

Bulgarian slots

Muscles exercised
Quadriceps & Buttocks.

1. Place your feet as shown above and keep your back straight.

2. Bend your front leg and lower your body towards the floor. The back leg will remain in contact with the bench for balance.

3. Lower, controlling the movement until you reach a 90° angle with your front leg.

4. Pull up until your leg is almost straight.

kettlebell leg exercise

Box Step Up

Muscles exercised
Quadriceps, Buttocks & Hamstrings.

1. Place the Kettlebell close to your chest and the leg of your choice on the support at an angle of 90%.

2. Use the front leg to push and pull up on the support.

3. Once both legs are in position, perform the reverse movement.

4. Alternate legs.

Tips: Avoid using your back leg to get the best feel.

Rowing Elastic Bands

Muscles used
Grand Dorsal.

1. Bend your legs, with your torso slightly bent forward.

2. When pulling, your elbows should be close to your back. Remain in contraction for 1 second at the end of the movement.

3. Check the eccentric phase.

Tips: As you pull on the elastic band, contract your back for maximum benefit. Remember to exhale when you exert yourself and inhale when you release.

1-Leg Deadlift

Muscles exercised
Hamstrings, Buttocks & Lumbar.

1. From an upright position, tilt the torso forward, keeping the back straight and stretching the leg backwards.

2. Your torso should be parallel to the floor and your arms straight for maximum balance. Once in this position, contract the buttocks of the raised leg and hold for 1 second.

3. Return to upright position and alternate between legs.

Tips: You can use an elastic band to simplify balance. Concentrate mainly on keeping your back straight and contracting your glutes.

bucheron pull with kettlebell

Lumberjack draw

Muscles used
Grand Dorsal & Trapezius.

1. Hold the kettlebell in one hand, then place the other hand on a stable support.

2. Position your back as horizontally as possible, this will engage the back muscles more.

3. With the kettlebell in the down position, pull it up until it forms a right angle with your arm. The pull should be vertical, in a "line".

This exercise can be performed standing or with one knee on a support.

Tips: Remember to inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up, remembering to voluntarily contract the muscles involved.

Raised Foot Pumps

Muscles exercised
Pectorals & Triceps.

1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, pull your shoulders back and then move your chest out.

2. Lower until your pectoral muscles brush the floor.

3. Back up to initial position.

Tips: The higher the bench is set, the more difficult the exercise becomes. Similarly, you can place your hands on the bathtub to make push-ups more accessible for beginners.