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Article: How to structure Street-Workout workouts and routines to get the most out of them?

How to structure your Street-Workout workouts and routines to get the most out of them?

Welcome to this new article,

We're going to go straight to the point, we're going to create the best Street Workout, just for you!


Tips for creating your own Street Workout!

Let's take a few tricks right off the bat, so that we can create a little example routine as we go along.

If you work on everything at once, you're not going to make progress on anything at once. Our advice 👉 start by choosing 2-4 tricks that will serve as your main goals that you will really focus on. 

Try to vary between push and pull patterns and between vertical and horizontal movements. This will help you stay more balanced and reduce the risk of injury.

Here is an example of a routine with the following objectives: Back Lever, Muscle Up Strength and Straddle Plank.

Let's look at some of the components of your workouts:

First of all, the warm-up, which deserves its own article. 

Right after the warm-up, it is a good time to introduce flexibility and technique work, such as the V-sit and the Handstand, all for 5 to 15 minutes.

The goal here is to work more on technique than strength because you don't want toget tired before training. For this type of movement, the best way to improve it is to do it as often as possible as long as it doesn't negatively affect your real workouts! 

Then comes the routine itself.

The best routine to adopt

There are two ways to do this: the PUSH/PULL and the Arms Out / Arms In, which allow you to split the exercises in half, while adding the leg exercises.

For example, we will start with a push/pull. To choose the exercises, there are two important rules at this level: the first is that you must start with the figure that is a priority in your objectives. The second one is that you have to start with the most difficult progressions because it is at the beginning that you are the freshest.

When you work on your figures, you're looking to increase your strength, so it's pretty pointless to focus on exercises where you can already do more than 12 reps or 20 seconds in a row. Instead, focus on exercises where you are able to do between one and eight reps or between two and twelve seconds . In terms of number of sets, except for very difficult progressions, a good range would be between 15 and 25 reps or 30 and 60 seconds total per exercise.

When doing short, intense sets, remember that it is important to rest between each set. Depending on the intensity of the exercise you are doing, between two and a half to five minutes of rest are recommended.

At the end of the sessions, you can add less technical exercises for more reps if you want to do endurance or isolation.

By keeping all this in mind, as well as the methods of progression and our current level, we can build a little routine.

This one is composed of one or two different trainings that should allow us to progress to the figures. 

Routine model


Don't forget to write down your performance at each workout. This is so you can try to beat them every time you come back. Generally, between three to five sessions per week are recommended.

However, it is also up to you depending on your lifestyle, recovery, nutrition, sleep, etc

The goal is to find at least a balance on which you can progress regularly.

Once you are satisfied with your pattern, you can replace it with a new goal. All this, while continuing to throw the ones you already know from time to time, so that you can at least maintain them!

With all of this, you have enough to create a program centered around your own goals! 

Feel free to ask questions and share your routines in the comments so that we can all exchange on that level.

Of course, feel free to share this article with your friends, or anyone else who might be interested.

You can also watch the video on the best street workout routines and exercises

See you soon, take care of yourself.

Eric Flag 

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